Eight Books
Every Man
Must Read

Nick Ten
Creator and Author -
No BS Self Development

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
- Einstein

Clear's book offers a proven framework for building good habits and breaking bad ones, with actionable strategies for making lasting change. Back by data and presented in a clear and anecdotal way, this book has become a favorite in the entrepreneurial; space

Taleb introduces the concept of antifragility, where natural and complex systems gain from disorder and adversity. This book is a deep dive into how wisely embracing uncertainty and chaos can lead to strength and growth, challenging the conventional wisdom of resilience and harm-reduction.

Buss, a pioneering researcher in evolutionary psychology, explores the ancestral roots of human mating behavior. He explains the underlying drives and strategies that influence our romantic choices and outcomes, giving insights into the complexities of desire, attraction, and relationships.

Cialdini breaks down the key principles of persuasion and how they can be applied in everyday life. From understanding social proof to mastering the art of reciprocity, this book teaches you how to pull the hidden levers of influence. It's packed with practical insights and examples that make it a must-read for anyone aiming to improve their communication skills.

Donovan explains the core 'tactical virtues' at the heart of masculinity, discussing what its means to be a man in the modern world. He breaks down the primal instincts and societal expectations, offering a roadmap for men to reclaim their strength and purpose.

Goggins chronicles his transformation from an overweight young man to a Navy SEAL and ultra-endurance athlete. His story of extreme drive and resilience is filled with motivation and techniques for overcoming obstacles..

This provocative book, one part philosophical rant, one part political exhortation, challenges modern norms and advocates for a return to the warrior spirit and primal vigor of the Bronze Age. It calls to reject societal constraints and embrace a vitalistic and authentic way of living.

Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman leads you on a groundbreaking discussion of cognition in this insightful book. He explains the two systems that govern our minds: the fast, intuitive side and the slow, deliberate side. Kahneman highlights the biases and errors of our intuitive thinking, explaining how we make make better choices. This book is packed with fascinating research and real-world examples. It will change the way you think about thinking.